WEIGHT: 49 kg
Bust: 3
1 HOUR:50$
NIGHT: +70$
Services: Striptease, Pole Dancing, Naturism/Nudism, Facial, Massage prostate
The Thai Herbal Ball compress technique offers several potential health benefits: It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs.
The hot compresses are ideal for alleviating pain, stiff, sore, or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic backaches arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines, and chronic stress or anxiety. The herbs in the compress possess properties that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant. They are used to address sprains, bruises, and sore muscles, cleanse and heal the skin by promoting cell growth, and aid upper respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.
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Click Here. Contact Us. Learn More. Herbal Thai Ball Massage The Thai Herbal Ball compress technique offers several potential health benefits: It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs.
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